Road to Esports World Cup

MAY 31ST, 2024
We are excited to share some thrilling news: our recent partnership with the Esports World Cup Foundation (EWCF), through their Club Support Program, is opening up incredible new opportunities for us. Thanks in part to the program, we have been able to commit to four new titles — we've already announced Street Fighter 6 and Tekken 8, entries that have been in the works for close to six months.
Today, we're adding two more. The first is a four-man Fortnite team built around long-time Ninja Refsgaard being assembled in time for Dreamhack Dallas. The second is an exciting first for NIP: Apex Legends. We have been scoping an entry into Apex for more than two years, and with the support of the EWCF we're ready to take the plunge.