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Henric Öhlund
Assistant Coach


Henric's journey in CS began in 2014, but his love for gaming started even earlier, playing Pokémon on his Nintendo DS at age 7. Inspired by local player "zape" and legends like dev1ce, B1ad3, and Twistzz, he grinded his way through the Swedish CS scene. His last stop as a player was with NIP Svea before making the transition to coaching.

Known for his structured calling style with room for individual initiative, he now helps shape the future of our academy as Young Ninjas' assistant coach — with his eyes set on competing at a Major.

Ingame settings

Sensitivity (windows): 6/11
Sensitivity (in game): 1.15
Mouse Polling Rate: N/A
Mouse Refresh Rate: 800 DPI
Display Refresh Rate: 240hz
Resolution: 1280x960, 4:3, Blackbars

Fun facts

1. Can play electric guitar pretty well

2. Loves to cook, especially Ragu alla Bolognese