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Casper Præstensgaard


Known for his aggressive playstyle and goofy vibes, energetic Gnaske fears no camera. Inspired by old-school CS:GO days, he's been grinding hard since 2011 and already achieved lots success on the pro scene. Aiming for a championship with NIP, he’s a beast on his favorite map, World’s Edge. When he’s not dominating in Apex, he’s chilling with friends, bringing that same hype to real life.

Ingame settings

Sensitivity (windows): 800 dpi
Sensitivity (in game): 1,5
Mouse Polling Rate: 800 dpi
Mouse Refresh Rate: 500HZ
Display Refresh Rate: 240
Resolution: 1920x1080

Fun facts

1. Born in Singapore

2. Has a fairly large Chinese following

3.One of few Apex players to have reached 1k kills in ALGS